About Match

Coming soon

3d map of Park "Patriot" with the shooting range.

Main data

  1. Timing: May 25’th - June 11’th 2017;
  2. Venue: Multifunctional fire center of the "Patriot" park, Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia;
  3. Used shooting galleries:
    • 31 galleries with a 300 meters’ distance of shooting;
    • 1 gallery with 1400 meters’ distance of shooting;
  4. Type of firearm: long-barreled rifled firearms (semi-automatic and manual reloading rifles, the caliber 5.45x39 and more);
  5. Number of participants: up to 1000;
  6. Number of Match officials, Riffle World Shoot organizers, representatives of the Federation of practical shooting of Russian: up to 300;
  7. Accommodation of participants and range officers: hotels placed at the distance of 30 km from the venue;
  8. The number of participating countries: 90;
  9. The Match Sponsor: Concern Kalashnikov;
  10. Media partners: VGTRK, Zvezda, T24, TV360, Odnoklassniki.

Logo of the Rifle World Championship

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